As women who are moving through journeys with chronic illness, our hearts go out to you as you move through your own heart-tugging challenges and transformation. We’re holding space for brighter days for you, and for peace. We typically recommend our Pause for Peace blend for depression and sleeplessness, and Smile for anxiety.
Pause for Peace contains Sandalwood which will help you ground and release the emotions that no longer serve you, and Smile will open up your heart to welcome in love and joy.
Our Breathe blend also helps if you’re having panic attacks with difficulty breathing, as Frankincense encourages lung expansion and grounded, deep breathing. It sounds like your anxiety is manifesting in a more chronic, neurological way so the combination of Pause for Peace and Smile might provide you the synergistic relief that you need (and deserve!).
As for your Fibromyalgia, we have customers with Fibro finding relief from our Relieve blend. It acts as a natural pain relief serum, much like synthetic “Icy Hot”. We hope that you find physical, emotional and spiritual peace very soon!