WHAT IT IS: Cold pressed organic sweet orange is a a delicate, sweet, fresh, fruity-citrus oil.
- Due to potential for toxic pesticide, it is of particular importance to select only organic sweet orange oil.
- Orange oils can cause photosensitivity so be careful if using before exposure to sunlight.
HOW TO USE IT: It can be used with guidance internally, topically and aromatically.
PROPERTIES: calmative, digestive stimulant, antispasmodic, hepatic stimulant, anti-infectious, clarifying (skin).
- Add a drop to a cotton ball for your child to keep in their pocket to use as needed with anxiety.
- Add 2-3 drops to castor oil or coconut oil for belly massage to facilitate digestion and elimination.
- Add 5 drops to bath to for a calming, yet energizing effect.
- Elevate your hydration with a drop of sweet orange to your daily spring or mineral water.
- Add a few drops to a diffuser in workspace to reduce stress and increase a sense of calm.
- For lymphatic support, add a couple drops to your skin brushing routine.
- Dab one drop on acne.
- Add several drops to a spray bottle with 1 tsp. dish detergent and 1/8 cup of distilled vinegar for a non-toxic cleaner.
EMOTIONAL ASPECT: Promotes ease, adaptability and optimism. Unblocks and circulates Qi energy to facilitate relaxation.
INGREDIENTS: 100% pure, organic sweet orange oil