I have been using your oral health/Lyme treatment products including Shine, Watch Your Mouth, Balance and Renew for a few months. I appreciate so much the care you have taken in formulating these safe, effective and delightful products.
I recently turned 51, just after having oral surgery to clean out an infected wisdom tooth cavitation and an infected root canal that have been poisoning my system for a long time. The after-surgery recovery process was challenging, with a lot of lymph swelling and a Lyme rash that broke out all over my body and lasted for weeks!
Your Balance oil blend (recommended by my Sophia Clinic doctors) was so important to me during the acute phase of my recovery. I gently massaged the Balance oil (and, later, Renew) twice a day across my forehead and sinuses, around my tender jaw line and down onto the swollen lymph glands in my neck to help disinfect the tissues and encourage lymph drainage. I loved the smell and therapeutic effect it provided every time I used it. I appreciated even more the unexpected benefit of feeling a definite energetic imprint of “loving kindness” in your product. At the time I had never seen your website or brochures – I had no idea about your company. But the gentle “caring” invested in your products was obvious to me.
Thank you so very much for creating medicine that is natural and nurturing to the spirit as well as the body. Wow!
Blessings to you and all of your team at Well-Scent. Keep up the great work!
Ruth Martin
Morton, WA