I am really enjoying your products! I have some exciting feedback from our dental practice on your dental/ oral health blends. We used the phase microscope on all our patients in hygiene and all new patients on the doctors side. I took a bacteria slide on my two assistants. On both slides we noted several different types of bacteria that could cause gingivitis or periodontal disease. For example, spirochetes, gliding rods, and spinning rods. I had one assistant’s brush w/ just Watch your mouth and then retested. I then had the other assistant brush w/ the PrimTooth mixed w/ the Watch your mouth. Both slides improved and noted less bacteria on the one that only used the Watch your mouth but the one that used both improved more, did not note any spirochetes. These are the form of bacteria that breaks down the bone around the teeth. I was impressed how it lowered the bacteria just by brushing the teeth. I will continue to monitor the products and let you know any new info. Please use this information in your education to support the science behind these formulations.
Thanks you for sharing your line with us.
Tabitha Long RDH
Stuart, Nunnally and Freeman