Healing through words.
Today, we’re setting the intention to only breathe words of love out into the world, and to express ourselves with language that is merely an extension of our soul. In a moment of sacred stillness and heart-centered rebalancing, Well Scent Owner Stacy pens a poem inspired by the alignment of each of the 7 chakras:

I feel the mountains in my bones, in my torso and pelvic floor. In the forrest, I am a shaman, my ancestors say. I know this landscape. I put flowers in my hair and roll a bay leaf between my fingers. This is my home, this is my family, this is my body, rooted in strength. This is my root chakra. I am safe, I am whole.

I feel the ocean in my liquid body. I am swimming in a dynamic pool of fluids, trusting the flow, feeling its undulating rhythm. This is my sacral chakra. I am beautiful.

I feel the sun in my belly, rolling over, through and around, giving texture to this dimensional space, giving rise to personal will, accountability and independence. This is my sacral chakra. I am powerful.

Like the wind, my heart is unrestrained. This is my heart chakra. Breathing in, I am a part of everything. Breathing out, I am loved.

Authenticity gives rise to a clear voice. Like a river, there is flow when I am living in alignment with my truth. This is my throat chakra. I will be heard.

Like the moon, I am full of mystery. Changing form and expression, imperceptibly and immeasurably, I am part of the cosmos. This is my third eye chakra. I am on an illuminated path that supports my creativity, intuition and spirituality.

I am an etheric body, shining amongst the stars, in a galaxy among galaxies. I am in communion with the divine. This is my crown chakra. My life is sacred.
With words of light and love,
The Well Scent Team