Leading Lyme Disease and Mold Exposure specialist, Dr. Neil Nathan, recently shared in his newsletter an invaluable insight for those with complex chronic illness that struggle with extreme hypersensitivity and reactivity. Many of these patients have been diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Histamine Intolerance, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and the like. But Dr. Nathan brings up a huge potential piece of the puzzle that may be overlooked: Porphyria.

Dr. Nathan and expert on the subject Steven Rochlitz describe this phenomenon that begins in the liver, but affects the body systemically: http://www.neilnathanmd.com/newsletter-6-porphyia-another-…/

Here at Well Scent, we are immensely grateful for the practitioners who work tirelessly to uncover new components to healing complex chronic illness. We are also committed to doing what we can to support patients on their healing paths. We can’t hold a candle to the monumental work that our practitioners are doing, but it’s our hope to be a gentle background support for those who are moving through their new protocols and are striving to maintain their fortitude and endurance as they walk down their wellness paths. So in addition to Dr. Nathan’s cutting edge suggestions on how to navigate this new piece of the puzzle, we’d like to offer up a few supportive background strategies ourselves.

Transdermal Strategies for Hypersensitive Patients

As Dr. Nathan conveys in his article, Porphyria begins in the liver, but is often triggered by an infectious or toxic component such as Lyme, mold exposure, or viral infections. While addressing Porphyria is a key part of treatment, the ultimate goal is to treat the underlying causes. But because here at Well Scent we are wellness warriors and in treatment ourselves, we understand that when in a hypersensitive state, tolerating treatment feels near impossible. That’s where we believe transdermal strategies come in, and why we think essential oils can be helpful.

Supporting a burdened liver in a hypersensitive patient dealing with Porphyria can be a fine line and a delicate matter. Many patients find themselves reactive to oral supplementation and become increasingly toxic when they attempt to shift their toxic load. A gentle, alternative way to begin to slowly open the door to treatment is to begin by using remedies and tinctures on the skin. We’ve found great success in utilizing our liver remedy, Rejuvenate, in sensitive patients by advising that they put a drop on the bottom of each foot, then put on a pair of socks so they don’t react to the scent of the oil. If this is well tolerated for 3-4 days, the patient can move on to placing a drop in the belly button, or the oil can be used in a detox bath with 1 cup of epsom salt and 1 cup of baking soda.

Rejuvenate- A Transdermal Liver Detox Remedy

  • Fennel Oil- Promotes the production of essential liver enzymes.
  • Geranium Oil- Stimulates bile ducts to encourage toxicity to keep moving.
  • Roman Chamomile- Soothes systemic gastrointestinal inflammation, mitigates reactivity and addresses a spasmodic colon, to encourage the successful removal of toxic waste.
  • Blue Tansy- Balances liver Qi and releases “damp heat” most often associated with mold illness, and fungal infections. It begins the task of changing the terrain to no longer be habitable for opportunistic infection.

Usage for sensitive patients: 1 drop on the bottom of each foot, proceed to 1 drop in the belly button, or 3 drops in a detox bath.

Thank you Dr. Nathan, for your continued profound work in healing complex chronic illness. You are a ray of hope, and a beacon of light.
With gratitude,
The Well Scent Team

Words, Well Scent

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