In addition to chronic Lyme Disease, I also have a relatively rare form of leukemia.  Over the last couple of years I have struggled with periods of mouth sores, often more than one at a time which can be quite painful and slow to heal.  I have tried using salt water and over the counter medicated rinses in addition to a prescription wash from my oncologist to treat these sores.  They were effective to varying degrees, yet within weeks or a couple of months new sores would appear.  My holistic healthcare provider recommended that I try Watch Your Mouth by Well Scent.  I have been using three to four drops with a small amount of water as a mouthwash and gargle now daily for approximately five months and have had no sores at all!  I am thrilled!  Plus, I love the taste.  I am so grateful for this product.  Thank you so very much!

Kim M., Virginia