The question I asked myself when considering starting a blog was whether or not I could 1) forego writing for the sake of writing in order to, 2) write for those who may benefit from hearing about my experiences.
My name is Stacy Shuman and I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease in early 2012. My health challenges began ten years earlier. In 2010 I hit rock bottom with brain fog, dizziness, profound fatigue, eye pain with episodes of iritis (temporary loss of eyesight), and joint pain. Like many, it took several doctors and many thousands of dollars before I was diagnosed. Looking back, this is appalling given I was nearly CDC positive on the Western Blot.
The intention for this blog is to be an active part of the community. As it relates to things that affect the healing process, I hope to share in order that some of this may help others.
I am a patient with Sophia Health Institute in Seattle working with physicians trained by Dr. Klinghardt. I am finally supported by practitioners that understand Chronic Lyme Disease. Having said that, there is much to learn about the application of the protocol, finding resources for healing, the organization and commitment commensurate with managing a disease that calls on all of your resources when you are, ironically, very unwell.
This blog is about the path I have chosen to support my healing process. It is about eating a nutrient-dense diet. It is about considering the world in which we live and making deliberate choices as a consumer. It is about the re-education of what it means to move in a world that has become more and more polluted. It is about finding ways to mitigate exposure to electrosmog. It is about cultivating compassion and forgiveness. But it is also about managing the completely overwhelming protocol and lifestyle necessary to recover from Chronic Lyme Disease and sharing with others similarly affected.
Did you find any healing through Sophia Health Institute?