Jan 30, 2013 | Inspirational, Lyme Disease, Stacy's Lyme Treatment |
I mentioned to my husband one day that if I ever wrote a book about my health challenges, I would call it “You Didn’t Ask.” It was a self-indulgent comment given it privately lashed out at those I didn’t think fully supported me during a difficult time in my life. I...
Jan 9, 2013 | Inspirational, Lyme Disease, Stacy's Lyme Treatment |
In 2000, I developed heart arrhythmias. After extensive testing with cardiologists, I was diagnosed with “sinus tachycardia”. It would be the first of many mystery diagnoses because, simply, it pointed only to the increased heart rate while offering no...
Dec 9, 2012 | Inspirational, Lyme Disease, Stacy's Lyme Treatment |
The question I asked myself when considering starting a blog was whether or not I could 1) forego writing for the sake of writing in order to, 2) write for those who may benefit from hearing about my experiences. My name is Stacy Shuman and I was diagnosed with...