“Let there be an opening into the quiet that lies beneath the chaos, where you find the peace you did not think possible and see what shimmers within the storm.” -John O. Donohue
Allow something simple to be that opening into your own peaceful abyss- a scent, a sound, a taste, a sacred place in time and space. The light that will begin to glow within that discovered peaceful moment….that’s you. You are the shimmer shining gently within the storm. Every time you find that sense of peace amidst the chaos, your light is allowed to shine a little bit brighter. As those quiet and peaceful moments appear more frequently, your light gets bigger and the storm brews slower, and before you know it, you are the sunshine. You have the power to shine away the darkness. May you discover that the darkness was never bigger than you, and the peace you never thought possible was always deep within.
Shimmer on,
The Well Scent Team
Peace-promoting Well Scent Aromatherapy Blends: https://well-scent.com
Well Scent’s Over The Moon and Under The Stars EssentialOil Blends: https://well-scent.com/product-category/emotional-support/
A dab on the temples, a few drops in the bath, a dash on your pillow. Breathe in peace.