
Tomorrow night is a rare night, full of the energy of change, rejuvenation, restoration, and transformation. Under the gentle yet powerful light of the new moon eclipse, set the intention to emerge from your cocoon and begin to use your newfound wings. It’s time to recognize that you’re a butterfly.

For physical, emotional and spiritual support during this transitional time, dab on an essential oil blend with Lotus Blossom oil. It not only stabilizes neurotransmitters and hormones for clarity and mind/body alignment, but also energetically supports the body with the humble energy of the lotus flower- the flower that rises from the mud and radiates its breathtaking beauty into the world.

Over The Moon Essential Oil Blend

Crystals for Intentional New Moon Transformation: Tiger’s Eye, Labradorite, Citrine

More on using healing crystals during times of change

Additional Advice from our Astrology gurus Spheres of Essence

“The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces/Aries message is simple: Disperse the inspiration out into the world. Like a soft seed that empties from a flower and is carried wide and far in the wind. Have courage and confidence to brings dreams into reality now even if the path in front of you is a brand new one. Be open to the possibility of magical surprises when following the subtle nudges and intuitive guidance from Soul.”

Pam Younghans of North Point Astrology

“This is the week we’ve been talking about and building toward since the beginning of the year — arguably the most powerful week of 2015, in astrological terms…
We might call this a pivot point, a time of choosing new options and releasing the old. It is a time for breakthroughs and insights, when we can ride the energies of change into a new future.”

Elana Millman’s Sensual Living

“Friday is a rare and potent astrological event and the energy building up to it can, and probably is affecting your moods. Up above, there is a new super moon, equinox and a solar eclipse all within a 24 hour period. Wow, it’s big.

New moons are seen as a time of new beginnings. It is a great time to conquer fears and self-imposed limitations. I encourage you to do something bold and unexpected to utilize the power in the skies. It’s time to do it differently than ever before. Don’t hold yourself back. That is an old energy that simply won’t fit the new, evolving you.”

Kara Maria Ananda

“Get ready to BLOOM! This is an exciting week energetically! We are leading up to the Spring Equinox on Friday with a New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse the same day! A powerful opportunity to spring forward with new beginnings is opening for us. This week is ideal for journaling, visioning and planning with focus on your BIG ideas and goals – open yourself to new perspectives, and create space for NEW insights to come through on how to manifest what you desire.”

So Well Scent family, get out your journals, your crystals, your essential oils and your biggest dreams and begin to reach for the stars. We’re holding space for you for brighter days, new beginnings, and the newfound ability to blossom in the rays of your own innate bright light.

With love,
The Well Scent Team

Words, Well Scent

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