Lesson for the day; Use your resources.
Set aside pride and allow yourself to be supported by others when you need this support. Permit your fragility to exist with a little more sweetness. Surrender that part of yourself that believes you are only lovable when you are lovable, perfect, strong, pretty,...
Let Go
Life is a process of learning to let go, learning to let go, learning to let go. You are not responsible for the happiness of others. Let go. Let go of attachments to what you think anything should look like; your relationships, your job, your life. Learning to be at...
Apheresis + Regenerative Cryotherapy Travel Guide
Related Post: Apheresis; Not a Love Story Well Scent Founder Stacy Shuman travels to German for Lyme-Treatment The observations below reflect the combined experience of two Sophia Health patients who traveled to Germany for treatment in August, 2013. One patient was...
Apheresis: Day One
I will share more in detail at a later time after I have had time to be home and recoup. On my first day of treatment, there were three other patients in the small four-bed wing. I went with a new friend, Regina Weichert, who is the founder for LymeNation. (She has an...
Apheresis, It’s on!
Yesterday was my first day of Apheresis in Cham, Germany at the Inus de Medical Center with Dr. Straube. I am so glad to be here with another patient (Regina Weichert of Lyme Nation). It helps to shape my perception of treatment more generally instead of focusing...
Walking the Lyme; Identity, Community and Boundaries
Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. - Eckhart Tolle I was waiting for my doctor recently when I overheard a conversation between two patients. One had been...
When it Don’t Come Easy
I have never been so sad. I’ve never been sadder. Feels like the beginning of something real bad. Amy LaVere and Shannon McNally My second and recent prolotherapy involved fifty injections along my spine for thoracic pain. Although I have endured many injections over...
You Didn’t Ask – Holding that you deserve to be supported
I mentioned to my husband one day that if I ever wrote a book about my health challenges, I would call it “You Didn’t Ask.” It was a self-indulgent comment given it privately lashed out at those I didn’t think fully supported me during a difficult time in my life. I...
Hello Lyme – My Story
In 2000, I developed heart arrhythmias. After extensive testing with cardiologists, I was diagnosed with "sinus tachycardia". It would be the first of many mystery diagnoses because, simply, it pointed only to the increased heart rate while offering no explanation for...
A Day in the Life – Working with Negative Feelings
It was a gray morning and the air was soft. My daughter and I cruised the streets of Tarrytown, a charming old neighborhood minutes from downtown, looking for a place to stop for coffee. I looked at the street sign ahead of me but it appeared out of focus, as if I had...
Why am I doing this?
The question I asked myself when considering starting a blog was whether or not I could 1) forego writing for the sake of writing in order to, 2) write for those who may benefit from hearing about my experiences. My name is Stacy Shuman and I was diagnosed with...