Let Go

Life is a process of learning to let go, learning to let go, learning to let go. You are not responsible for the happiness of others. Let go. Let go of attachments to what you think anything should look like; your relationships, your job, your life. Learning to be at...

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Apheresis: Day One

I will share more in detail at a later time after I have had time to be home and recoup. On my first day of treatment, there were three other patients in the small four-bed wing. I went with a new friend, Regina Weichert, who is the founder for LymeNation. (She has an...

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Apheresis, It’s on!

Apheresis, It’s on!

Yesterday was my first day of Apheresis in Cham, Germany at the Inus de Medical Center with Dr. Straube. I am so glad to be here with another patient (Regina Weichert of Lyme Nation). It helps to shape my perception of treatment more generally instead of focusing...

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A Day in the Life – Working with Negative Feelings

It was a gray morning and the air was soft. My daughter and I cruised the streets of Tarrytown, a charming old neighborhood minutes from downtown, looking for a place to stop for coffee. I looked at the street sign ahead of me but it appeared out of focus, as if I had...

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