Creating Zen Habits

Creating Zen Habits

Zen Habits. An Adventure a Week While keeping the momentum and excitement for the warmth of the year to come, we must remember to set aside time to tap back into the core of who we are, reminding ourselves of why we do the things we do, who is important to us, loving...
A Walking Meditation

A Walking Meditation

Finding Your Walking ‪Meditation‬ “When your world moves too fast and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself to each color of the sunset. Reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet. Thank the air that surrounds you with every breath you...
Our Soul’s True Purpose

Our Soul’s True Purpose

Sometimes, when a dream ends, that’s where our soul’s true purpose begins. Obstacles, detours, hardship, illness, the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, a closed door or an opened wound. These moments in your path are not failures. In fact, they may...
How to Embrace Beauty in Every Step

How to Embrace Beauty in Every Step

No matter what, there will always be beauty, there will always is hope, and there will always be love. And sometimes, when we walk through the process of loving someone who we find difficult to love, we magically end up learning how to love the most difficult parts of...
Monday Wellness Mantra

Monday Wellness Mantra

Wellness Mantra… My Body is a Forest “Your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest- thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wild flowers sprouting in the under wood. You will grow back, over and over, no...
Our Winter Solstice Wish

Our Winter Solstice Wish

May you pause in these serene moments of external darkness, and honor the quiet space where your internal light shines bright. Solstice is the darkest night of the year; the night in which the sun momentarily stands still, as though it is pausing to exhale its wisdom...
Soul Reminders

Soul Reminders

This is our intention not only behind the words on our pages, but behind our essential oil blends. It is not our intention to be the light that illuminates your path, rather it is our intention to remind you and your radiant spirit that you are the light. Whenever you...
What Is Home?

What Is Home?

Home is the place you return to. Home is the place your soul exhales, and your spirit breathes. It’s the place you get to take off your shoes and allow your bare feet to touch the floor, where you can shed your coat, your armor, your shield, and your being can...